Tuesday 28 February 2012

40 Days of Yoga

So my new excuse for doing ridiculous amounts of yoga is Lent. During Lent, many of the faithful commit to fasting or giving up certain types of luxuries for 40 days as a form of penitence. I figured since I wanted to do my part, and usually that involves giving up chocolate that this year i would try a different approach. That approach is to do 40 classes in 40 days of Bikram Yoga. I guess you would say that, thats not giving up anything at all and that yoga is a luxury. However my view is that I am giving up the luxury of being content in life and taking it that step further to constantly challenge myself, which i view to be the very point of Lent- A challenge of life and struggle .I feel that during this period of Lent and to do a 4o day challenge is fitting because Yoga has taught me that beautiful people will struggle and fake people will run away from their challenges.

On Valentines day i completed a 15 day challenge (looks like I am festive challenger) which has given me confidence in completing another challenge. During my recent 15 day challenge i was shown corrections in some of my postures in particular triangle and standing bow, i took these directions on board and immediately could tell the different in my alignment and felt that alignment correct other postures. During this period my mind purely focused on aligned yoga and took away the engery i used on trying to get deeper in my postures towards making them right. Even though through a spectators view it may not have looked liked it, but i was doing the best yoga I had ever done before. Lucky for me yoga IS NOT a spectators sport :).

 I am now onto day 8 in my new challenge and have been feeling frustrated during class mainly due to a sore knee. For example during class last night, the teacher opened the door to let the lovely cool rain air in, I had unfortunately positioned myself so that i was not in the passage way of this air. The whole time the door was open i stared at the girl directly infront of the door bathing in the cool air repeating in my head I HATE YOU I HATE YOU. I didnt even know the poor girl and i dont actually hate her. Although the point I am trying to make is, this event made me realize how much a distracted mind can affect your yoga, and these challenges are an agent in initiating the maturaity to be able to accept and let go.

I am confident that with patience and drinking shit loads of water it wont take me long to get back to where i was, besides i have 32 days left.

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