Wednesday 29 February 2012

You know you’re a true bikram yogini when: (Including tips for new people)

·    Your car smells like the local indoor netball courts (good excuse on the nights you don’t want to be designated driver)

·    All your conversations somehow end up being about bikram yoga and the millions and trillions of benefits that come from it; therefore you try and force EVERYONE you know to do it because You BELIEVE Bikram Yoga is the answer to any mental and physical problem.

·    Your significant other thinks you love yoga more than them and as a result is totally convinced that your into some freaky cult shit, that is until you finally drag them along because you love them so much  you cant wait to see their face after their first backbend

·     You develop habits. A hint to those just starting out, whatever you do, don’t EVER mess with the regulars. You can tell these people by their rituals and routine. They arrive extra early to ensure their “spot” in the room and get protective of it. You’ll notice if you’re in their spot because they will sit there and look at you till you move or place their mat so close to yours you end up moving due to discomfort of their body so close to yours. Tip: the spot slightly to the left of the stage that gets a perfect balance of the fresh flow of air that comes from both the front and back door… yeah don’t go there or come prepared to fight. Similar to this, never place your mat directly in front of someone, especially if they got there before you. They will Lose…their…shit…

·    You’re no longer bothered by people being so close to you.  Basically it is almost certain you will be all up and close with complete random people. Like, in ways that, if you got that close to a stranger outside the yoga room you would start throwing punches.

·     Sweat no longer bothers you. It’s smelly and it’s everywhere even in the most inconvenient places like our eyes and nose. For example when you take that big step in triangle and your foot lands perfectly in the middle of the huge sweat patch left by the person next to you and the only thing bothering you is how you’d rather not bounce 2 or 3 times to get deeper in the posture.. Yep that’s how you know. Tip: During class sweat presents itself in abundance, if you try and wipe it, yes it comes back. It may come as a surprise to some that the sweat will not stay neatly within the rectangle that is your own mat and towel.

·    You treat the random strands of hair on your body like they actually came from your body. When you finally make it down to your mat after a standing series you notice not one, but two hairs stuck to your arm, stomach and/or chest and your pretty sure that those brown hairs didn’t come from your blonde hair however you leave them there like you grew them yourself because your not going to give up precious savasna time.

·    You don’t care at all that your basically one item of clothing away from being naked in a room full of strangers. Infact you wouldn’t have it any other way. Tip: it gets to the point that when you bump into other yogis outside the yoga room you don’t recognize them because they are wearing clothing.

·     Outside the yoga room you see someone bend down over and your immediate response is  “move your hips several times, left and right left and right to make sure your lower back is nice and loose comfortable easy flexible, keep your neck relaxed. Or if your in James class “ move like your on the float at the mardi gra” Whatever works J

·    Instead of doing your uni work that you’ve had all week you spend your time writing blogs about bikram yoga

·    Finally you mourn the days you can’t go to yoga; however you know the times of the classes so well that you look at the time and think “If I were practicing I would be in triangle, at the top of the mountain. although no need to worry, no doubt you'll do a double tomorrow to make up for it


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